First, the marriage of Adam and Eve was consecrated by God Himself. Marriage in fact is the first institution established by God for man. And it being the first must be important. So important that the Savior likens the relationship of Himself and the church as a marriage which will be consecrated in Heaven at the marriage feast.
As far as the importance here, because God established marriage, brought the woman to Adam for the express purpose of being his wife. Even more than that, a vow or pronouncement was made by man that the woman will be flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone because she was taken out of man. In Genesis chapter two, the Bible says "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. This same pronouncement is made over the bride and the groom by the man of God. Henceforth the last pronouncement made: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
Now, just as it has been for many a century the bride and groom come to the man of God so that this pronouncement can be made to more witnesses. That's why the pronouncement has to be made in front of witnesses.
One other thing that you need to look at. There is a pesky verse that gets in the way of many who don't see the need to go in front of the man of God to be pronounced. In other words, shack up. The law says that unless a marriage has been solemnized, it will not recognize it as a binding marriage in their eyes. So, that pesky verse: "Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work," in Titus. So then, if a marriage hasn't been solemnized, it is a double whammy. It isn't recognized as a marriage by the church and also not recognized by the powers that be...
Marriage is a covenant made between a man and a woman before God. If it is a covenant made before God, many would think twice about destroying the marriage that God has joined together by pronouncement marriage. In my eyes it is like breaking a promise to God to be faithful to the one He has joined them together with. If there is no covenant (pronouncement before witnesses) then God most certainly does not condone it. Matthew chapter nineteen says: “And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
Even one step further. Unless a marriage between a Christian and another Christian or even a Christian and an unbeliever has been pronounced by the man of God or a magistrate in the sight of witnesses, before God, it is a unholy thing. The scripture says “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.” A faithful Christian would not have it any other way.
About the Author
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Female Preachers and Pastors
This by no means a popular subject. And the perspective I’m about to give you is generally that of an ancient Baptist viewpoint, just so you understand where I am coming from. If you choose to ignore the content of this article, that is your God given right. Please understand that I am not trying to be mean or malicious here. My intent is to give you my understanding of what the scriptures tell us.
The Apostle Paul said “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.” You may think I’m about to talk about long hair on men and short on women. No. What I want you to notice is that the Apostle said “we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.”.
We Baptists, generally speaking, have no such custom as ignoring what the scriptures say about the roles of men and women in the church just as Paul said we have no such custom as a man wearing long hair or the woman having short hair as a member of the church body.
Now either you believe what the Bible says or you don’t. It’s your choice. Personally I believe what is written and I also believe that it is just as much for us today as it was two thousand years ago and before. It is defiantly written: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
So then, what does the Bible say about the role of a woman who is a Christian? In Titus two the Bible says “The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Some ladies would look at this and think they are supposed to be some kind of slave or that the wife is less of a person than a husband. No, that is being prideful and the Bible tells us that pride goeth before a fall.
Ladies, you were created from man’s rib which is at his side as his. You weren’t created from the foot bones so you are not to be under mans foot by no means. On the other hand you weren’t created from the bones of his head, so you aren’t to be head over him either.
There are certain positions God has placed us as man and woman in the church. Man was given the position of leading. Women have been given the position of nurturing. Without the God given nurturing love that the good Lord has placed in you as part of your very nature, the children wouldn’t be prepared to make the decisions of accepting the Lord Jesus as Savior. Your position is crucial to the kingdom of God.
But when the scriptures say: ”But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Everyone seems to get in an uproar. Tail feathers get ruffled and the argument is on. Is the reason because sometimes we think God is unfair? Well if that is your belief, you may need to do some checking up on your heart or even your salvation because God is fair and just and holy. There is none that are as right as God because God is righteousness.
So therefore, if the woman were a preacher, she would be doing two things. Number one, she would not be silent in the congregation. Number two, she would be in authority over the man. There is nothing complicated about it. Either you are silent or you aren’t and you are in a position of authority over men or you aren’t. There is no grey area here. And if you assert that the men choose to allow that authority over them, they are also going against the scriptures.
Now as for the position of pastor, what does the scriptures say in that matter? The Bible uses the term bishop often when referring to a pastor and it says: “If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;” Notice that "If a man", not a woman is at the beginning of the passages! Not only that, but he must be the husband of one wife. How can a woman be "the husband of one wife"? If she is the husband of one wife, then she is a practicing homosexuality and defiantly disobeying God's word.
One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) If she rules her own house then she is also out of Gods will because the head of the family is the man, not the woman! In Ephesians, the Bible says “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”
But hey, you also have the God given right to believe what you want to believe. And if you choose to disregard the scriptures or believe these passages weren’t written for us in the twenty first century, that is also your choice.
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
The Apostle Paul said “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.” You may think I’m about to talk about long hair on men and short on women. No. What I want you to notice is that the Apostle said “we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.”.
We Baptists, generally speaking, have no such custom as ignoring what the scriptures say about the roles of men and women in the church just as Paul said we have no such custom as a man wearing long hair or the woman having short hair as a member of the church body.
Now either you believe what the Bible says or you don’t. It’s your choice. Personally I believe what is written and I also believe that it is just as much for us today as it was two thousand years ago and before. It is defiantly written: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
So then, what does the Bible say about the role of a woman who is a Christian? In Titus two the Bible says “The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” Some ladies would look at this and think they are supposed to be some kind of slave or that the wife is less of a person than a husband. No, that is being prideful and the Bible tells us that pride goeth before a fall.
Ladies, you were created from man’s rib which is at his side as his. You weren’t created from the foot bones so you are not to be under mans foot by no means. On the other hand you weren’t created from the bones of his head, so you aren’t to be head over him either.
There are certain positions God has placed us as man and woman in the church. Man was given the position of leading. Women have been given the position of nurturing. Without the God given nurturing love that the good Lord has placed in you as part of your very nature, the children wouldn’t be prepared to make the decisions of accepting the Lord Jesus as Savior. Your position is crucial to the kingdom of God.
But when the scriptures say: ”But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Everyone seems to get in an uproar. Tail feathers get ruffled and the argument is on. Is the reason because sometimes we think God is unfair? Well if that is your belief, you may need to do some checking up on your heart or even your salvation because God is fair and just and holy. There is none that are as right as God because God is righteousness.
So therefore, if the woman were a preacher, she would be doing two things. Number one, she would not be silent in the congregation. Number two, she would be in authority over the man. There is nothing complicated about it. Either you are silent or you aren’t and you are in a position of authority over men or you aren’t. There is no grey area here. And if you assert that the men choose to allow that authority over them, they are also going against the scriptures.
Now as for the position of pastor, what does the scriptures say in that matter? The Bible uses the term bishop often when referring to a pastor and it says: “If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;” Notice that "If a man", not a woman is at the beginning of the passages! Not only that, but he must be the husband of one wife. How can a woman be "the husband of one wife"? If she is the husband of one wife, then she is a practicing homosexuality and defiantly disobeying God's word.
One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) If she rules her own house then she is also out of Gods will because the head of the family is the man, not the woman! In Ephesians, the Bible says “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”
But hey, you also have the God given right to believe what you want to believe. And if you choose to disregard the scriptures or believe these passages weren’t written for us in the twenty first century, that is also your choice.
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Am I being punished by God
Am I being punished by God? I have heard that question being ask over and over when some type of disaster takes place in someone’s life. I am sure you have probably heard it too. Maybe the very first thing you might need to realize is that if God is punishing you, there should not be any doubt in your mind whatsoever that it is God doing it.
If you have to guess what it is you have done to be punished of God, most likely it's not punishment from the Lord at all. The Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust in Matthew chapter five. It could be that whatever is happening to you is just one of those things that could happen to anyone.
Or I could put it to you another way, then consider someone walking up you and smacking you across the head then walking away without explanation. Now that is downright unfair and mean. Do you consider God unfair? Do you believe He’s capable of being mean? The Bible says in Hebrews chapter twelve that whom God loves, he chastens. Even further it states that without the chastening hand of God on you, you aren't one of His.
So do you not think that if God is going to take you out to the woodshed for a spanking, He’s not going to tell you why? That's just plumb silly because there is no greater love than Gods love my friend and no greater justice than the chastening hand of God. What good would the chastening be without knowing why it's happening in the first place. That would be confusion and God is not the author of confusion.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap is what the bible says in Galatians chapter six. If you commit fornication or adultery and wind up with a venereal disease, I think that is a no brainer, at least for a Christian what’s happening. A Christian should very well know that if this is the end result or some other terrible thing that resulted from your actions, you just received the punishment from God. The good Lord protects us but as a punishment for our disobedience, He most certainly can lift that protection surrounding us to teach us a lesson. After all, if you know to do good and don't do it, the Bible says that to us personally, it is sin in James chapter four.
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
If you have to guess what it is you have done to be punished of God, most likely it's not punishment from the Lord at all. The Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust in Matthew chapter five. It could be that whatever is happening to you is just one of those things that could happen to anyone.
Or I could put it to you another way, then consider someone walking up you and smacking you across the head then walking away without explanation. Now that is downright unfair and mean. Do you consider God unfair? Do you believe He’s capable of being mean? The Bible says in Hebrews chapter twelve that whom God loves, he chastens. Even further it states that without the chastening hand of God on you, you aren't one of His.
So do you not think that if God is going to take you out to the woodshed for a spanking, He’s not going to tell you why? That's just plumb silly because there is no greater love than Gods love my friend and no greater justice than the chastening hand of God. What good would the chastening be without knowing why it's happening in the first place. That would be confusion and God is not the author of confusion.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap is what the bible says in Galatians chapter six. If you commit fornication or adultery and wind up with a venereal disease, I think that is a no brainer, at least for a Christian what’s happening. A Christian should very well know that if this is the end result or some other terrible thing that resulted from your actions, you just received the punishment from God. The good Lord protects us but as a punishment for our disobedience, He most certainly can lift that protection surrounding us to teach us a lesson. After all, if you know to do good and don't do it, the Bible says that to us personally, it is sin in James chapter four.
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
The Appearance Of A Christian Woman
Some time back I had a person email into my online ministry with a question about women’s makeup. She more specifically was asking about the great amounts of makeup used by some Christian women on television. After a bunch of prayer, here is how I answered her:
Great amounts of makeup on a ladies face has always been a uncomfortable thing for me to deal with, both scripturally and personally. I guess it reminds me of the old sayings about a painted lady which refers back to that old gal Jezebel. 2 Kings 9:30 And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window. Jezebels name has always been synonymous with a lady who was out for any and all men and didn't mind what measures she took to get them.
As for those ladies who put their makeup on thick, there are honestly some who do it because of blemish, scars, or a skin condition and there is nothing wrong with that if it makes them feel comfortable. But there are some Christian ladies who cake it on with a cement trowel because they want to and to be quite frank with you, it is in my opinion that it is a shame.
Number one, it draws attention to them and not to the Lord, and number two they are making themselves look like a woman who professes anything but Godliness. 1st Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 2:10: But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
Now as an old time preacher said in a sermon once "It don't hurt nothin to paint up the barn a little after it has had a few seasons in the sun". A little makeup never hurt anyone but if it makes you look like a lady who has on her mind anything but doing God's will, well, you get the picture!
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
Great amounts of makeup on a ladies face has always been a uncomfortable thing for me to deal with, both scripturally and personally. I guess it reminds me of the old sayings about a painted lady which refers back to that old gal Jezebel. 2 Kings 9:30 And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window. Jezebels name has always been synonymous with a lady who was out for any and all men and didn't mind what measures she took to get them.
As for those ladies who put their makeup on thick, there are honestly some who do it because of blemish, scars, or a skin condition and there is nothing wrong with that if it makes them feel comfortable. But there are some Christian ladies who cake it on with a cement trowel because they want to and to be quite frank with you, it is in my opinion that it is a shame.
Number one, it draws attention to them and not to the Lord, and number two they are making themselves look like a woman who professes anything but Godliness. 1st Timothy 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 2:10: But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
Now as an old time preacher said in a sermon once "It don't hurt nothin to paint up the barn a little after it has had a few seasons in the sun". A little makeup never hurt anyone but if it makes you look like a lady who has on her mind anything but doing God's will, well, you get the picture!
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What Is A Human Capable Of
I have been asked many times by new Christian converts why, even though they are saved, do they still have the ability or rather the desire to sin. The answer has always been an easy one to answer but a hard one for the natural man to accept.
Why? Well in all actuality, it is not your natural body that is saved, it is your soul. The flesh never is saved because and has to be brought under subjection. In other words not allowed to do the terrible things it wants to do. The Apostle Paul said that the things the flesh wanted to do were contrary to the things the spirit man inside your body wants to do.
He said in book of Galatians, chapter five, the flesh wanted and is very able to commit adultery and fornication because these things are natural to it. He went on further to say that the flesh was unclean. Those things that were dirty it craves. On the purely natural side, skip a few baths and the flesh shows just how much it stinks.
As for lasciviousness, which means to be lustful, the flesh would dwell on it constantly if allowed to. Why? Because it desires pleasure and would be more than happy to let pleasure rule its life.
The list the Apostle made was extensive including idolatry, hatred, always wanting to change the rules, the stirring up of jealousy or envy in others, wrath, resists legal authority, heresies, envying others for what they have, capable of murder, enjoys being drunk, loves to go uncontrollably wild. Not a pretty picture now is it?
And those that do these things are not of God at all. No kidding! If you do even some of these things and are not bothered by doing them and you claim to be saved, you might want to do some checking up on your salvation. There is no way that the Holy Spirit inside you would allow you even the slightest peace if your doing such and do not hear Him speaking to you through your conscience. These things are contrary to the Lords nature and if saved, contrary to your spiritual nature as well.
So, if you are child of God, as the scripture says, the Holy Spirit lives in you. Therefore my friend you have access the attributes of God. What does that mean? It means that if you allow God to lead you in all things through His Holy Spirit you will display, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance which is self control and not the other things that are natural to the flesh.
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for “The Old Pathways”, a message board dedicated to asking questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
Why? Well in all actuality, it is not your natural body that is saved, it is your soul. The flesh never is saved because and has to be brought under subjection. In other words not allowed to do the terrible things it wants to do. The Apostle Paul said that the things the flesh wanted to do were contrary to the things the spirit man inside your body wants to do.
He said in book of Galatians, chapter five, the flesh wanted and is very able to commit adultery and fornication because these things are natural to it. He went on further to say that the flesh was unclean. Those things that were dirty it craves. On the purely natural side, skip a few baths and the flesh shows just how much it stinks.
As for lasciviousness, which means to be lustful, the flesh would dwell on it constantly if allowed to. Why? Because it desires pleasure and would be more than happy to let pleasure rule its life.
The list the Apostle made was extensive including idolatry, hatred, always wanting to change the rules, the stirring up of jealousy or envy in others, wrath, resists legal authority, heresies, envying others for what they have, capable of murder, enjoys being drunk, loves to go uncontrollably wild. Not a pretty picture now is it?
And those that do these things are not of God at all. No kidding! If you do even some of these things and are not bothered by doing them and you claim to be saved, you might want to do some checking up on your salvation. There is no way that the Holy Spirit inside you would allow you even the slightest peace if your doing such and do not hear Him speaking to you through your conscience. These things are contrary to the Lords nature and if saved, contrary to your spiritual nature as well.
So, if you are child of God, as the scripture says, the Holy Spirit lives in you. Therefore my friend you have access the attributes of God. What does that mean? It means that if you allow God to lead you in all things through His Holy Spirit you will display, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance which is self control and not the other things that are natural to the flesh.
Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for “The Old Pathways”, a message board dedicated to asking questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Bible Version Challenge
My name is Tim Davis, pastor of the River of Life Mission Church of McMinn County Tennessee, a Missionary Baptist Church. Also the webmaster of The PCIM Christian Community Message Board.
I personally believe that there is a deception taking place that is actually over seventeen hundred years old. I believe and have historical proof that the bible versions you may be using are nothing more than counterfeits and you are being mislead and deceived by them.
I’ve seen other learned scholars have made a comparison of the NIV (New International Version), HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), NASB (New American Standard Bible), NKJV (New King James Version), against the KJV (King James Bible) who have made excellent points about the differences and the way that these newer versions have changed teaching to where we are in a major state of confusion in our churches. I even wrote a lengthy article on the subject myself a few years back. What I have not seen is a concise and purely logical historical explanation as to why these differences are there in the first place.
I would be more than happy to open this up to debate after I’ve been allowed to present the facts. You may even debate as I place my findings on the thread. This discussion will take place once we have enough interested parties make themselves known. Simply go to and make an account. It’s free. Post a thread that you have joined to let me know and we can get started.
I personally believe that there is a deception taking place that is actually over seventeen hundred years old. I believe and have historical proof that the bible versions you may be using are nothing more than counterfeits and you are being mislead and deceived by them.
I’ve seen other learned scholars have made a comparison of the NIV (New International Version), HCSB (Holman Christian Standard Bible), NASB (New American Standard Bible), NKJV (New King James Version), against the KJV (King James Bible) who have made excellent points about the differences and the way that these newer versions have changed teaching to where we are in a major state of confusion in our churches. I even wrote a lengthy article on the subject myself a few years back. What I have not seen is a concise and purely logical historical explanation as to why these differences are there in the first place.
I would be more than happy to open this up to debate after I’ve been allowed to present the facts. You may even debate as I place my findings on the thread. This discussion will take place once we have enough interested parties make themselves known. Simply go to and make an account. It’s free. Post a thread that you have joined to let me know and we can get started.
Christian Message Boards
There are a large degree of Christian Message Boards or Bible Forums on the internet and each one has their own particular theme. Actually it seems there are more Christian message boards than any religion that I can find searching on line.
A few of these bible related forums are actually quite large in membership and contain a varied mixture of sects or beliefs into the mix. These are more what would be called the ecumenical types. The attraction many have to this type of board is the controversy over the different belief systems. The different denominations represented there many times cause disagreement in doctrine and ceremony. This can be expected if the board owners or managers do not keep an eye on what is happening on their particular forum.
Other types are more prayer and support centered. Even some have missions that are outreach oriented to those who are having faith, relationship, or drug problems and are seeking Christian counsel.
There are types that are geared more for a specific denomination such as Baptist, Methodist, Roman Catholic, etc. Also, you will find boards that deal specifically with the various Bible versions and the controversy surrounding them.
My personal favorites are those called apologetics boards which are geared towards defending the faith. These are where I have seen some of the most passionate debates.
At any rate, you will most likely find the type of board you will enjoy discussing your faith with others on if you just do a little creative search engine digging.
Tim Davis is the webmaster of two Christian forums. The first is called the PCIM Christian Fellowship board at The second is an apologetics board called The Old Pathway at Please feel free to join in on the discussions.
A few of these bible related forums are actually quite large in membership and contain a varied mixture of sects or beliefs into the mix. These are more what would be called the ecumenical types. The attraction many have to this type of board is the controversy over the different belief systems. The different denominations represented there many times cause disagreement in doctrine and ceremony. This can be expected if the board owners or managers do not keep an eye on what is happening on their particular forum.
Other types are more prayer and support centered. Even some have missions that are outreach oriented to those who are having faith, relationship, or drug problems and are seeking Christian counsel.
There are types that are geared more for a specific denomination such as Baptist, Methodist, Roman Catholic, etc. Also, you will find boards that deal specifically with the various Bible versions and the controversy surrounding them.
My personal favorites are those called apologetics boards which are geared towards defending the faith. These are where I have seen some of the most passionate debates.
At any rate, you will most likely find the type of board you will enjoy discussing your faith with others on if you just do a little creative search engine digging.
Tim Davis is the webmaster of two Christian forums. The first is called the PCIM Christian Fellowship board at The second is an apologetics board called The Old Pathway at Please feel free to join in on the discussions.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
PCIM 7-8-2010
Exerts from PCIM Christian Community Message Board
I printed out the "schedule" for us to pray in one accord.
Week One :
Personal Preparation - Psalm 51
For the United States
Heavenly Father, I praise Your Holy Name because who You are and You are worthy of all praise and honor. Lord, we look for the coming of Your Son very soon. We clearly see the time is close and cannot deny the signs and the times.
Lord, please have mercy on us as a nation. We have become lazy and apathetic concerning Your perfect and Holy will. I ask your forgiveness. Help us Lord...
What they believe-Hinduism
No one founder. Many sects. Began 1800-1000 BC
Many writings, including the Vedas (oldest, about 1000 BC), the Upanishads (younger), and the Bhagavad-Gita (youngest).
Who is God?
God is “The Absolute,” a universal spirit. Everyone is part of God (Brahman) like drops in the sea. People worship manifestations of Brahman (gods and goddesses). People are God, but are unaware...
Anybody up to a Saturday Morning Chat?
This was an old scheduled chat but you guys want to try it this Saturday, I'll give it a try. 7-10-2010 ~ 11:00 am
The Greatest Man
(I copied this off facebook. It's something to think about.)
Greatest man in History, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called Him master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime,... ...yet they crucified Him. ...He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today!!!
I printed out the "schedule" for us to pray in one accord.
Week One :
Personal Preparation - Psalm 51
For the United States
Heavenly Father, I praise Your Holy Name because who You are and You are worthy of all praise and honor. Lord, we look for the coming of Your Son very soon. We clearly see the time is close and cannot deny the signs and the times.
Lord, please have mercy on us as a nation. We have become lazy and apathetic concerning Your perfect and Holy will. I ask your forgiveness. Help us Lord...
What they believe-Hinduism
No one founder. Many sects. Began 1800-1000 BC
Many writings, including the Vedas (oldest, about 1000 BC), the Upanishads (younger), and the Bhagavad-Gita (youngest).
Who is God?
God is “The Absolute,” a universal spirit. Everyone is part of God (Brahman) like drops in the sea. People worship manifestations of Brahman (gods and goddesses). People are God, but are unaware...
Anybody up to a Saturday Morning Chat?
This was an old scheduled chat but you guys want to try it this Saturday, I'll give it a try. 7-10-2010 ~ 11:00 am
The Greatest Man
(I copied this off facebook. It's something to think about.)
Greatest man in History, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called Him master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime,... ...yet they crucified Him. ...He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today!!!
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