Saturday, May 30, 2009

When a Bankruptcy Attorney is needed

In todays economy, there are a lot of people getting into financial trouble. Your outlook may even seem grim as the debts keep piling up. However there is a way to get out of the crunch you've found yourself in.

Bankruptcy may seem like your only remedy, but you need to know that there are more solutions than just outright bankruptcy. A good attorney will sit down with you and listen to every aspect of your financial situation and give you viable alternatives.

And then if other means aren't available to you, he should be able to show you how to get the best outcome by filing. In other words they will show you how to keep most of your possessions, stop foreclosures, stop harrassment by bill collectors, and give you some peace of mind with a fresh start on life.

This attorney should be willing to explain all your alternatives, all the terms and conditions, differences in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, Debts that can be discharged and those that can't, etc., and stick with you until the task is completed.

When it comes to personal or business bankruptcy, the main thing that you don't want to do is to wait until bankruptcy is the only option you have left. Attorneys experienced in handling cases such as yours may be hard to find in your area. You need to let an experienced bankruptcy lawyer provide you with an initial consultation about your situation and begin to help you toward the fresh start you need.

About the Author

Chuck Pope is an attorney in the McMinn County, Tennessee area that can help you with these financial problems. His experience has helped many to obtain a new start. His website is at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back Links for Link Popularity

It looks like I may have found a way to get traffic finally. Back linking to the sites I post my articles on not only on the pages where my articles point to but also using the url to my article on the article submission sites. In other words if I post a link to my article on another page, I don't point to my page on my site that has my article, I point to where my article is also published on the ezine site. For some crazy reason beyond my comprehension, Google and Yahoo seem to like this.


In my bio on whatever article I've written, there's a link to the site I want folks to visit. Say it's one of my more popular articles like "Do you want to draw your own house plans". Then the link from the article will point to

Then, where my article is on my site, I put a link to where the article is published on the ezine sites. But I didn't stop there. Every single place I published that article was then listed below the first link strictly in raw form as shown below:

This Articles Links
And So On!

In effect, this creates effective back links that the search engines seem to love. I would guess because it reinforces their link popularity criteria. See if it works for you...


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Promote Your New Ebook

It doesn't matter if your ebook is free or not, the first thing you need to be doing is submit it to ebook directories. The main reason is you will have the advantage of visitors from these sites. And it's not just any random visitors. These sites send you visitors that are actually interested in what you've written.

Another reason is that these sites give you quality back links that get the attention of search engines like Google and Yahoo. That is of course if you link back to the directories from your page. It's amazing how simple back links can inprove your ranking and better rankings mean higher placement in those search engines.

Blogs are a wonderful tool for promotion too. Make sure it is directly linked to your ebook page. From here you can post tid bits about your ebook that the search engines will pick up on. A question and answer script on your site would be even better as you can answer various questions concerning your ebook which the search engines will also scarf up. All those who visit your website are looking for important and useful information. Make sure to place relevant content that is rich with keywords on your webpage and blog.

One really effective method of promoting your ebook is to join message boards that are similar in topic to your book. Some will even allow you to place a link to your page in your signature. Be careful with this as you don't want them to think you are there to spam them. That would be a bad thing. Post on the board and participate in the conversations. Be an active part of their community. Don't just be there to plug your ebook...

The author is the webmaster of the Received Text Ebook Directory which would be a great place to start promoting your ebook. The URL is

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Beginners Guide to Understanding a Set of House Plans

Depending on how much detail your builder or local building inspector requires, the minimum set of plans should include the floor plan, exterior elevations, foundation or basement plan, and a roof plan drawn to scale.

Just so you'll know, a scale is nothing more than a shrunken ruler so that 1' -0" (12 inches) is now 1/4 inch long as far as your drawing is concerned. So here then is an example. If we use a scale to draw an 8' line. in reality the line is only 2 inches long on the paper in real life.

So let's see what's included in a set of plans:

A Floor Plan is a view of a house that would be seen if you were to take a knife and slice the house to see the walls, windows, doors, etc. from the top about mid ways down the walls. This is also called the dimensional plan. Most all floor plans are drawn at the scale of 1/4" = 1'- 0". It should include all the dimensions (measurements) of the wall, window, and door locations, door and window sizes, stair locations, room labels, locations of exposed beams, cased opening sizes and locations, bathroom layout showing sink vanity, tub, and toilet, kitchen cabinets with appliances & sink fixtures, and construction notes.

Some floor plans include the electrical symbols showing the receptacles, light switches, light fixtures, ceiling fans, cable connections, telephone jacks, and meter base locations. These can be included in the dimensional plan but many opt to have it on a separate drawing.

The Exterior Elevations include all four (4) views of the home which are front, left, rear, & right drawn also at 1/4" = 1' - 0" scale. The are some plans that have the front elevation drawn at 1/4" scale and then the left, rear & right at 1/8" = 1' - 0" On these views are notes about what type of siding or veneer, the roof pitches (angles), grade locations, finished floor & ceiling locations, and a roof plan showing the house from the top view. The roof plan is usually drawn at 1/8" = 1' - 0" scale or 1/16" = 1' - 0".

The Foundation or Basement Plan is the same type as the floor plan showing wall types, footing sizes, floor joist or truss locations, support beams, pilasters or piers, and ventilation vents & openings. The foundation or basement plan is also a dimensional type drawing. Most of these plans are drawn at the scale of 1/4" = 1'- 0".

If the plan is more detailed, then we would see sectional details showing the wall and roof construction of the home, HVAC plan, plumbing plan, and cabinet elevations. Even more involved plans would show the types of mouldings, pediments, & trims in greater detail.

Tim Davis is a veteran Architectural Designer who teaches a full course in Residential Drafting with his new Ebook, "Learning to Draw House Plans in a No Nonsense Way" at He also has several ebooks out on similar subjects that can be found at including a free ebook on Drawing a Simple Floor Plan on the Drafting Board.

Draw Your Own House Plans

The concept isn't that difficult although it does take some discipline. If you are wanting to learn to draw house plans, here is what I suggest.

First, learn to sketch and draw on a drafting board. There is a free online course called "Drawing a Simple House Plan" at which leads you through the process of drawing a plan on the board.

After you have completed this primer, "House Plan Drafting 101" at is your next step. At this web site, there are two courses in drawing complete house plans. The first teaches you how to draw a single story home using CAD or the board and the next teaches you to draw a two story home.

The author of these three resources has also created other drafting courses. "Mechanical Drafting 101" at where you learn to draw shop drawings to create furniture in a wood shop. Then there is the ebook he wrote on "Converting a Barn into a Home" at

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bible Version Comparisions

What do you suppose is the big deal about having the more modern versions of the Bible? What is it that seems to have so many folks in an uproar today about weather to use the King James Version, the New International Version, The New King James Version or the Holman Christian Standard Bible? If you were to look at the arguments going around now a days, at first glance you'd ask those questions and say: "What's the big deal?". Actually, that was my first question. So what is the big deal? If the Word of God is made available to us in "Today's" language, fantastic. Right?

To give you a little background, first I need to educate you on some certain facts. These new versions are supposed to be improvements on the wording for better understanding in todays English language. This, from what I understand, was the published intent of the translators. But in doing so it seems that certain omissions and changes took place. After you have had a chance to read this publication, you will see these omissions and changes did more harm than good. With others though it would seem there was a hidden and darker agenda.

Also the newer versions, more so of the NIV and the NKJV, were supposed to have been translated from an older, more reliable text. They never really say too clearly which ones until you dig for the truth. Then you find that the "older and more reliable texts" were in reality the Alexandrian "translations" and not the originals at all.

The translators of these particular versions have made the statement that some of the words in the King James Version were archaic and needed to be updated. To be honest with you, it's not the words that needed to be updated. It is the willingness of the reader to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Or could it be that they had a darker intent? Could it be there is an intent to cloud some issues that really hurt a certain agenda called the Ecumenical Movement. Mark Twain said, "It's not the things in the Bible I don't understand that bother me, but the things I do understand that bother me." Just a little food for thought for you there...

One Wednesday evening before I started writing this paper, I was teaching at prayer meeting on the verses that were paramount to our beliefs. In the congregation there was a dear lady who for years had used a NIV. As I listed and read each verse to the congregation and expounded, I kept noticing a commotion where this lady was sitting. The more I read, the more she looked upset and was asking the lady next to her questions. After the service she cornered me and said: "brother Tim, these aren't in my book". One in particular was Matthew 18:11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. This verse is a direct statement made by the Savior Himself about His purpose for being here. After she had showed me the other verses missing, I knew something was rotten in Denmark.

There is a grave danger in these new translations that I never before saw until the above incident occurred. With the changes and meddelings going on in such a heated pace with the Bible versions, the original teaching becomes even harder and harder to find. You have to understand that the Word of God is inspired by God in such a way that we can't settle the true teachings (doctrines) on any one verse. Doctrine or teaching is not found neatly packed up in one place. Isaiah 28:9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 28:10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: If meanings are changed and intermingled with other translations and texts, doctrines will become even more confused than they are now. I put it to you this way, If anyway will do, NO WAY will do just as well! How about this one: If it ain't broke, why fix it???

I know what some of you may be thinking here. You may be thinking "here is another one of those on the edge, bible thumping, King James 1611, fundamentalist radicals who is always right and will not listen to anything type guys". The facts are I do realize the the 1611 version is almost unreadable to most folks because of Elizabethan English spelling, that is until the spelling was updated (1762 A.D. and 1769 A.D.), and no I'm not a fundamentalist by name although I do admire their stubborn adherence to the Word of God. And by the way, I do believe that we as Christians need to reason with one another just the same as the Lord God reasons with us. Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Tim Davis is a pastor and police chaplain who has devoted years of study over the subject of Bible versions. He has just opened a discussion board at called The Received Text Message Board. Consider this an open invitation to come there and discuss the matter

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Announcing The Received Text Message Board

The Received Text Message Board was created as a King James defense initiative. There are so many things that aren't common knowledge about the newer versions of the bible which have created chaos in the Christian community at large. These include changes in the ancient teachings of the bible, misconceptions over study methods, the authority of the Word of God, the inspiration of God's Word, etc.

We invite all Christians, both pro and con newer versions to participate in the discussions on the board. No one will be turned away if they are Christian. Unbelievers are welcome also but are limited to one particular area of the board to ask questions.


Key Subjects:
Received Text
King James Version
Hebrew Old Testament
Greek Old Testament
Westcott & Hort
Antiochain Text
Alexandrian Text
John Wycliff
Original Autographs
Old Itala

Wondering about being lost in the emenseness of the internet.

When I first started a presence on the internet, I had a single page site called the Parsons Corner. Nothing complicated, just a place for people to ask Bible questions. There was plenty of traffic coming to the site after an hour or two of promoting the URL. That was back in 1996.

Today, 13 years later, it's a different story. I have quite a few sites online. The Parsons Corner is still with us but it has grown to hundreds of pages along with a forum called PCIM Christian Fellowship Message Board and The Global Christian Network Chat. There's even a link to the church I pastor, River of Life Mission Church of McMinn County Tennessee. Since the internet has grown in leaps and bounds, even if I advertise 7 days a week, it's near impossible to get these sites anywhere near the top of the search engines.

My drafting sites called House Plan Drafting 101 and the PCIM Drafting School are where I focused the main part of my promotional attention still only eek out maybe a couple of hundred visitors a month. I think the reason these even get that much attention is that the content is quite unique. Maybe uniqueness is the key to getting visitors as these are my most popular sites.

Even more unique is the site I have to promote my ebook called Converting a Barn into a Home. But there are fewer visitors there than there are on the Drafting Lessons pages even though I gave this page as much attention.

I believe I'm going to use this article as an ongoing journal. If any of you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment to this post.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pope Law Office

Announcing the New Website for Charles Pope, Attorney at law for McMinn County Tennessee. The website is at