Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wondering about being lost in the emenseness of the internet.

When I first started a presence on the internet, I had a single page site called the Parsons Corner. Nothing complicated, just a place for people to ask Bible questions. There was plenty of traffic coming to the site after an hour or two of promoting the URL. That was back in 1996.

Today, 13 years later, it's a different story. I have quite a few sites online. The Parsons Corner is still with us but it has grown to hundreds of pages along with a forum called PCIM Christian Fellowship Message Board and The Global Christian Network Chat. There's even a link to the church I pastor, River of Life Mission Church of McMinn County Tennessee. Since the internet has grown in leaps and bounds, even if I advertise 7 days a week, it's near impossible to get these sites anywhere near the top of the search engines.

My drafting sites called House Plan Drafting 101 and the PCIM Drafting School are where I focused the main part of my promotional attention still only eek out maybe a couple of hundred visitors a month. I think the reason these even get that much attention is that the content is quite unique. Maybe uniqueness is the key to getting visitors as these are my most popular sites.

Even more unique is the site I have to promote my ebook called Converting a Barn into a Home. But there are fewer visitors there than there are on the Drafting Lessons pages even though I gave this page as much attention.

I believe I'm going to use this article as an ongoing journal. If any of you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment to this post.

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