Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tips for Using Article Marketing to Promote the Kingdom

Just about everything in the world is advertised and promoted online these days. This is because both individuals and businesses have learned the power of using the Web for strategic marketing. Certainly, the Web is powerful and it gets the message out - often for free. Article marketing is one such tool that can deliver - if it is done right.

For the believer in Christ, it is very important that the message of the Gospel be communicated, too - to every one. Through the Internet, believers have power to share their message with the world and also have that same ability to bless other believers, too, with a message of comfort or instruction. If you can write articles and are familiar with sound Biblical teaching, then you can have a part in this blessed ministry – and you can use article marketing to bless others around the world.

Here are some basic tips for writing articles for Christian article marketing:

Christian Articles Should Have a Clear Goal

Before you start to write out your article, you should have a good idea who you are trying to talk to, and what you want to accomplish by it. The business world always chooses these things carefully beforehand in all their marketing communications. Nothing is done haphazardly there - if they are professional.

Christian writing should always be for the edification (building up) of other believers. While this may sometimes include exhorting the brethren and exposing error, the end goal is still building and strengthening that which remains. Although there certainly are some differences in doctrine, those who are among the redeemed should have a heart to seek to major on strengthening believers – and this should result in some great articles that encourage and uplift.

Articles for Christ's Cause Need a Clear Message

Putting articles online for the cause of Christ and the blessing of other believers means that they should be written with a particular audience. For instance, if the article is about salvation, then it needs to give clear instructions as to why people need to be saved and how to be saved. The article should have more than just a marketing purpose.

Many Christian groups are currently spreading around a message that is often full of religious jargon – some may even have the best of intentions. While true believers understand terms like “born again,” “regenerated,” “grace,” and “works,” it should be remembered that those we are trying to reach may not have a clue. This is especially true if others read your articles from outside of the United States. These words must be explained in terms they understand – if your article is to truly be a blessing to them.

Articles for and about Christ Should Be Worthy of His Name

So, when you write a Christian article and use it in some way for Christian article marketing – whether you are promoting a business, a Christian business, the Gospel, or a ministry, let your marketing articles reflect the worthiness of the Name you proclaim. He is still infinitely holy and anything that He will use should reflect it. Remember that everything that is posted online can be seen by both believers and unbelievers alike. This means that your article promotion articles will result in either glory or shame to His precious Name.

We are looking for some really great articles in the near future from you. Article marketing works when you give people something worthwhile to read and you get their attention enough to make them click on your link. Let’s see some great material from you soon that will strengthen believers everywhere – and help get the gospel to those who need to hear. Visit PCIM Christian Articles

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