Monday, October 26, 2009

Are You Afraid To Back Up Your Beliefs?

It isn't limited to the Christian world. There are many who believe various things about how we were created or came to be. There are those, including myself who believe wholly in the biblical account of creation. Then there are some who believe that Darwinism (which I believe is a religion in it's self) is the only plausible answer. In the realm of how the universe came to be there are those that there was this Big Bang. On my end of the spectrum, who exactly lit the fuse? I believe with conviction it was the Lord God Almighty.

I have always believed that if you don't stand for something, you'll most certainly fall for anything. Forgive the cliché, but if "any way" will do, "no way" will do just as well. In the world I see only two possibilities. There is only truth or falsehood. There is no in between. I don't care how much you care to philosophize the subject. And man, not God has decided to make his own answers, which quite frankly has caused even more confusion over who God is, or more importantly, who He isn't.

Man also has created his own pathways to heaven, refusing to realize there is but one way to heaven and that way is by the Grace of God through Christ Jesus.

My own belief's are based on faith and also on historical evidence being that my own heritage is that of the Anabaptist (Baptist) lineage and education. We have been around since the end of the first century and believed basically the same since and have been called by many names, howbeit none were chosen by us.

So in reference to the title of this article, would you consider your beliefs strong enough to be examined by the scripture and by history?

About the Author

Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways" message board which has been newly opened on the web. The url is and it's purpose is to defend the faith and the scriptures for what they really are which I truly believe is the truth. If you feel strong enough in your beliefs to have them tested by Godly reason and the scriptures, please feel free to come, make an account, and discuss the matters. We welcome you and will treat you with kindness and respect there.

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