There is nothing more useful than a face to face talk with someone about the Lord Jesus Christ and Salvation. However, with the age of the internet and the media available to us like instant messengers, chats, and message boards, a whole new and fresh medium is open for us to deliver the Gospel message. One of the most powerful tools available is the Christian message board. These seem to draw people from all over the world with every belief imaginable.
And the themes of these boards vary considerably. I have two boards myself. One is quintessentially Baptist in nature and the other is more geared to fellowship with all denominations and beliefs. The latter is by far the most active and defiantly a place where the various biblical teachings can be reasoned over.
Some of the most involved and sometimes heated discussion have been over subjects like eternal security vs. salvation lost, female preachers and pastors, pro and con prosperity ministry, church history, and even how a Christian should dress.
Fellowship is one of the biggest draws to these boards. Members can post prayer requests and have brothers and sisters from around the world pray for them. The scriptures tell us in Romans 12:10 that we should be “preferring one another” and also in Galatians 6:2 where we should “bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Young teens seem to love the boards because they can talk over most anything with other Christian youths.
There are many shut-in Christians who are disabled and cannot attend regular church services who find these message board a real God send. They receive the support they need and ease some of the loneliness they sometimes have to endure because of being a shut-in.
Brother Tim Davis is is a Baptist Pastor and Police Chaplain who runs a Christian Message Board called PCIM at and a Baptist themed board called "The Old Pathways" at
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