I have been a webmaster since the mid 1990's and have always struggled with search engine placement. But now, with the advent of ezine sites and the search engines cravings for content, my life has become a bit simpler. Even a bit less hectic too.
Content that is relevant to certain subjects is the key. In a move to make the internet more informative, the search engine leader Google led the way to making the net more than an electronic billboard. They and others like them seem to be giving more credence to sites that are more informative and packed with relevant information. That's why blogs and articles linked directly to sites are starting to make it towards the top of the search engine queries.
Then the advent of Ezine Article sites. Not that they are really a new web app. No, they've been around for a while but have finally come to be useful to their fullest extent.
These sites do their magic by being a repository for content that the search engines gobble up. And better still, anyone who can write quality content can place their articles on them. What's sweeter is the fact that at the end of the article, you can tell somewhat about yourself and your website.
Submit your articles to as many of these as you can and make sure that you link back to them on your site. Many of these offer decent looking banners and graphics that proudly state as published on such and such a site.
And the final part that is handier than a hay rake on cutting day, placing links back to the article site on the page you have your article on your own web site. This makes a neat back link that is highly regarded by the search engines.
Tim Davis is the webmaster of several popular websites including The Received Text Ebook Directory at http://receivedtext.org and E-Articles R US at http://receivedtext.org/articles. He also writes articles professionally at http://101info.org/articles.
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