Thursday, June 11, 2009

What to look for on a Christian Message Board

At first thought you may be thinking, duh, Christian discussions. And most likely you are probably right. But it goes deeper than that. Much deeper. Below is a list of the types of discussions you will find.

Eternal Security (Once Saved, Always Saved) versus Conditional Salvation. This is the number one hot potato subject today. In essence, there are those that believe that once you're born again you can be un-born again and on the flip side there are those that believe salvation is something even Ajax can't wash off.

English Bible Versions. This is another hot potato. There are some that believe the newer English versions of the Bible (those after the King James Version) are straight from the devil himself and on the flip side, there are those that solely believe the language needs to be updated and other manuscripts used.

Then there is the subject that draws more fire than a chimney on a windy day. The subject of female preachers. The Apostle Paul said some things in his epistles that lead us to believe the woman can't be in this role while there are some that believe he was merely speaking of the women of his day.

One of my favorites is the discussions about the last days or the end times called eschatology. There are so many different schools of thought just in this area it can make your brain hurt. It all has to do with the order of events when the Lord returns.

The discussions on alcohol and drinking wine are quite active along with tattoos and the type of clothing we should wear. All you need do is search the web and not only will you find Christian Message boards but also in such a wide variety you'll not even come close to covering every category in a month of Sunday's.

Brother Tim Davis is is a Baptist Pastor and Police Chaplain who runs a Christian Message Board called PCIM at and a Christian Chat called GCN at Please stop by and visit…

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