You can't help but notice when searching for articles on Christian subjects such as end time prophecy, the results are astounding. People are seeing the events and the times and putting two and two together. It's amazing though the different takes on current events relating to the Bible. Even more so, how so many can be misled by all the theories and conjectures being presented over the internet.
End time prophecy may be number one on the list but at a close number two is articles about the charismatic movement which has swept the globe with it's supposed manifestations of miracles, prosperity, signs, tongues, healings, and wonders. It seems Christians are wanting to see more natural evidence of the end times and many times confusing these things for spiritual. And with these many signs and wonders you have greedy men who disguise themselves as shepherds who fleece the sheep of their hard earned money.
The scriptures plainly spoke of these things happening in the epistles to Timothy. The Apostle Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy that in the last days, dangerous (perilous) times are coming. He went on to say that in this time people are going to be lovers of their own selves, have a great desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions (covetous). Also these folks would be braggarts, boasting about what they've done instead of what God has accomplished. Even more so they would be blasphemers, unthankful and unholy, disobedient to parents.
It gets even worse in his description when he says they are without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent (not able to control themselves), fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady (impetuous and rash), high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. Turn away means don't have anything to do with them.
Many are telling you that they need to tell you what God really is saying in the scriptures. Facts are that if a preacher is actually a God called man of God, he will speak to you directly from the bible without adding or subtracting from it. The best defense to keep from being deceived is to trust the Word of God for what it says. It isn't really a difficult thing to understand. If you are confused about what is in there, it's not God doing it because God isn't the author of confusion. He is the author of peace. And don't ever fall for the line that God didn't really mean what he said. That's just plumb foolishness.
The Author, Tim Davis, is the webmaster of PCIM Christian Fellowship Message Board at If you wish to discuss this matter further, please feel free to visit and start a thread. He also runs a Christian Article Directory at
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