Thursday, February 18, 2010

Article Submission Tools and Tidbits

It is a widely known fact that writing and submitting articles is a daunting task but the rewards are far more than the work involved. Writing articles and then submitting them to article directories is one of if not the best way to promote your web site bar none, including blogs, in my opinion.

If you are like me, I have my own directory connected to my website. All my new articles go into this directory and then I submit them to other directories. I also reword them to be a completely new article and submit them too.

My first method was to keep a linked list on my server and then visit the individual article directories. This didn’t suit me as I was having to click back and forth between the list, my notepad, and then the directory where I was submitting to. Lots of work, let me tell you.

My second method was to download one of those automated submission tools. I figured automation was the way to go until I found that these sometimes bunched my articles into one solid paragraph and submitted into whatever category it wanted to. I dumped that method like a hot potato.

The third and final method I tried was to build my own submission page using frames. Then with the list on the left frame, the article directory on the right frame, and the text boxes I put to the top, I came up with my own article submission tool.

Frames are a very old method in HTML and I wouldn’t recommend using them for a website, but it sure made one handy dandy utensil to submit my articles with. It splices, it dices, it makes Julienne fries. Really folks, don’t discount using the old methods in dealing with the new problems.

And the best part of this method is everyone is happy. The article directory owners get their visits and you get your articles submitted to each and every one with more ease.

About the Author

Tim Davis is an article author who has made his article submission tool available to the internet public, free to use at . He also is an online architectural & mechanical drafting instructor at

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