Monday, February 22, 2010

Having Your Home Designed By A Professional

When designing a home, my belief is that there is no method to use other than simplicity even in the largest houses. The greatest problem when laying out a large home is the danger of allowing the design to become monotonous. Monotony is the greatest causes of home owners becoming bored with their new home shortly after it is built. Simplicity more or less eliminates this possibility.

What I mean by simplicity is that there shouldn’t be a maze of hallways. There is more space wasted by designers adding halls to the plan than most any other cause. And rooms should flow together with one another with access to most all area’s of the home available to those rooms. Some call this method the open floor plan concept. The Kitchen should be serviceable enough for two or more people to freely move around the room and the dining / nook rooms shouldn’t be far away from it.

Be patient with your designer. It will pay off in the long run. There are times I have seen the owner insist that the work be rushed, sometimes ending in a catastrophe of an under designed home or one whose function is not what it should be. Communicate with them and let this professional know what you are hoping for so he or she can put your individuality into every room and then trust their training and experience.

Our home is our castle no matter how humble it may be. It is where we should spend the happiest and most memorable moments of our lives. Therefore it should be built to look attractive so that the father, mother, and the children can feel that there is really “no place like home”. Sounds corny I know, but you know it is true.

About the Author

Tim Davis is an Architectural Designer with 30 years experience. And he does not believe you should spend a fortune designing your home. His website is at

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