Sunday, July 25, 2010

Am I being punished by God

Am I being punished by God? I have heard that question being ask over and over when some type of disaster takes place in someone’s life. I am sure you have probably heard it too. Maybe the very first thing you might need to realize is that if God is punishing you, there should not be any doubt in your mind whatsoever that it is God doing it.

If you have to guess what it is you have done to be punished of God, most likely it's not punishment from the Lord at all. The Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust in Matthew chapter five. It could be that whatever is happening to you is just one of those things that could happen to anyone.

Or I could put it to you another way, then consider someone walking up you and smacking you across the head then walking away without explanation. Now that is downright unfair and mean. Do you consider God unfair? Do you believe He’s capable of being mean? The Bible says in Hebrews chapter twelve that whom God loves, he chastens. Even further it states that without the chastening hand of God on you, you aren't one of His.

So do you not think that if God is going to take you out to the woodshed for a spanking, He’s not going to tell you why? That's just plumb silly because there is no greater love than Gods love my friend and no greater justice than the chastening hand of God. What good would the chastening be without knowing why it's happening in the first place. That would be confusion and God is not the author of confusion.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap is what the bible says in Galatians chapter six. If you commit fornication or adultery and wind up with a venereal disease, I think that is a no brainer, at least for a Christian what’s happening. A Christian should very well know that if this is the end result or some other terrible thing that resulted from your actions, you just received the punishment from God. The good Lord protects us but as a punishment for our disobedience, He most certainly can lift that protection surrounding us to teach us a lesson. After all, if you know to do good and don't do it, the Bible says that to us personally, it is sin in James chapter four.

Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for "The Old Pathways", a message board dedicated to asking and answering questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.

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