Thursday, July 22, 2010

What Is A Human Capable Of

I have been asked many times by new Christian converts why, even though they are saved, do they still have the ability or rather the desire to sin. The answer has always been an easy one to answer but a hard one for the natural man to accept.

Why? Well in all actuality, it is not your natural body that is saved, it is your soul. The flesh never is saved because and has to be brought under subjection. In other words not allowed to do the terrible things it wants to do. The Apostle Paul said that the things the flesh wanted to do were contrary to the things the spirit man inside your body wants to do.

He said in book of Galatians, chapter five, the flesh wanted and is very able to commit adultery and fornication because these things are natural to it. He went on further to say that the flesh was unclean. Those things that were dirty it craves. On the purely natural side, skip a few baths and the flesh shows just how much it stinks.

As for lasciviousness, which means to be lustful, the flesh would dwell on it constantly if allowed to. Why? Because it desires pleasure and would be more than happy to let pleasure rule its life.

The list the Apostle made was extensive including idolatry, hatred, always wanting to change the rules, the stirring up of jealousy or envy in others, wrath, resists legal authority, heresies, envying others for what they have, capable of murder, enjoys being drunk, loves to go uncontrollably wild. Not a pretty picture now is it?

And those that do these things are not of God at all. No kidding! If you do even some of these things and are not bothered by doing them and you claim to be saved, you might want to do some checking up on your salvation. There is no way that the Holy Spirit inside you would allow you even the slightest peace if your doing such and do not hear Him speaking to you through your conscience. These things are contrary to the Lords nature and if saved, contrary to your spiritual nature as well.

So, if you are child of God, as the scripture says, the Holy Spirit lives in you. Therefore my friend you have access the attributes of God. What does that mean? It means that if you allow God to lead you in all things through His Holy Spirit you will display, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance which is self control and not the other things that are natural to the flesh.

Pastor Tim Davis is the webmaster for “The Old Pathways”, a message board dedicated to asking questions concerning the Bible, Salvation, and Christianity. The web address is and you are most certainly welcome to come and post your questions. There is no need to register on the board if you do not want to. Questions can be asked without registration.

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